Welcome to Louter Creek Hunting Poodles.
Located 30 miles south of Atlanta, Georgia. We are happy you stopped by and
hope you visit often.
We at Louter Creek Hunting Poodles are currently breeding and training some of our Standard Poodles for Waterfowl Hunting. As you know, Standard Poodles were originally Water Retrievers and today still make great working dogs and retrievers. They are excellent working dogs as well as outstanding companions and pets. Standard Poodles are highly intelligent dogs, possibly the most intelligent of all canine breeds. You too can enjoy this versatile, magnificent breed with your family. Early training and obedience is the key to having a great family pet that you can live with and be proud of. Our Poodles are worked with on a daily basis, including obedience, and retriever training.
We are one of the few breeders of Standard Poodles that not only
run hunt tests, but actually hunt with our dogs. The hunt tests
are a lot of fun as we made new friends along the way and have
learned about the different retrieving breeds. It's not every
day you see a Poodle at a hunt test surrounded by a seas of Labrador Retrievers,
Golden Retrievers, and Chesapeake Bay Retrievers. We are looking forward to
the Fall hunt tests and hope to have a good hunting season!Our Poodles are gently raised with the love and affection of
our family. We aim to provide high quality standard poodles of
excellent type and temperament. Our sire and dams are
genetically tested, including their hips, elbows (OFA), eyes (CERF)
and test for bleeding disorders (Vwd). We breed occasionally,
selectively, and adhere to the Standard Poodle breed standard.
All of our puppies are
AKC registered and come with limited
registration, and a two year health guarantee against genetic
diseases. Louter Creek does not approve of, or condone the
crossbreeding of Standard Poodles.
Standard Poodles are hypo-allergenic and do not shed. Most of
all they are wonderful with children as they love to play and do
many silly things just as kids do. My daughter, Lexie, is the
reason why we chose the Poodle. She has asthma and allergies and
does extremely well with the Poodles inside the house. Below is
a picture of Lexie with her first our cream female "Enya".

Our puppies are handled from birth and are well socialized with
children, other family members and of course other poodles to
ensure that they are social and trustworthy. This makes for a
superior adult dog that will be loyal to your family, not to
mention a fun and intelligent family member. We do have a 6-8 month waiting list so please inquire and get on our waiting list.

Featured in Dogs QUEENSLAND Magazine (Australia), July 2015

Featured On The Cover Of Poodle Variety, April/May 2015

Featured in The IOWA SPORTSMAN Magazine, May 2015

Featured in Ducks Unlimited Magazine, Nov/Dec 2014

Featured in Us Magazine, Oct 2014

Featured in WILDFOWL Magazine, March/April/May 2014
Featured in
The Canine Chronicle April 2013 Edition on pages 258, 260, & 262
Cooper, Featured On The Back Cover Of The 2012 Stud Issue of Poodle Variety Magazine

Featured in
PURINA Today's Breeder Issue #79 "Proving the Underdog"

Featured In The DOGSport Magazine, May/June 2012

As Featured In
COUNTRY SPORTS and COUNTRY LIFE Magazine. Spring 2012

As featured in GUN DOG MAGAZINE, Dec. 2011




Bottom center picture (Dec. 2010,
photo credit Mark Atwater)

As featured in GUN DOG MAGAZINE, June/July 2011


Salty Dog Publishing just featured one of our pictures as
a "Birthday Card"
Poodle Party"

See our little puppy having some fun retrieving
ducks from a winger at only 10 weeks old!!

Visit us on You Tube and see our
dogs in action!

One of our testimonials:
"The Louter's are dedicated to breeding Standard Poodles who
are not only excellent companion dogs, but are versatile in
their abilities, especially as hunting retrievers. Angie and
Rich have done their research, have their poodles
genetically tested, provide proper socialization for
puppies, and truly care about matching up prospective owners
with the right pup. The Louter's gave us good advice from
the time we picked "Limit" up as an adorable puppy and
continue to give support as "Limit" runs (AKC) & (UKC) hunt
tests and starts into other areas in which poodles excel
physically and mentally, such as Obedience, Agility, and
Tracking. " Proud owners, A Dempsey, D McKee


Louter Creek Hunting Poodles © Copyright 2007 and beyond All Rights Reserve No part of the website maybe taken without the express consent of it's owner or webmaster. All photographs are copyrighted by the photographers.
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